Data Engineering & Analytics projects

I love to play with data whenever I meet a dataset or when an idea crosses my mind. I never post projects of my employer or clients, only projects I do for fun or personal purposes. I always welcome comments and challenging debates for improvement.


In the comments, I was asked how OAuth works. I make the article with codes to help our community understand. Feel free to clone the codes from GitHub for better understanding.


  • Data Pipeline project

For fun with a business idea in the future, I am developing an automated data pipeline infrastructure.

Idea: The idea is to completely automate the pipeline for different data sources and reporting formats.

High level view of the application looks like the image below.

Soon I will share the link to the project repository for your input and contribution.


Concern Worldwide and Wealth Hunger Life published the Global Hunger Index (GHI). It was initially published in 2006 and is released yearly in October. I played with 2021 datasets. My idea was to predict when the zero hunger target will be achieved.

Language: Python

Tools and Libraries:

  • Jupyter Notebook (Kaggle)
  • Pandas and NumPy for analysis
  • Matplotlib and Seaborn for Visualization
  • Scikit-learn for machine learning

Conclusion: ! UN will reach zero hunger index in 2051 if nothing is changed at the current pace.

The project codes and explanations are available on Kaggle. Link to Kaggle notebook


On Kaggle I have a couple of projects on Data and Machine Learning. Check the Kaggle if interested in ML.


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